Count's Quay

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Count's Quay - the historical and architectural monument in Sevastopol. Located on the western shore of South Bay, at the square of Admiral Nakhimov. Pristan's name is associated with count Voinovich, the commander of the Black Sea Fleet in 1786-1790, who used to moor here, coming from his homestead on the North side. Official name - Catherine's Quay hasn't been used frequently.

Count's Quay was built in 1780 as the wooden dock for boats. In 1787 for the arrival of Catherine II to Sevastopol wooden steps have been replaced by stone ones.
In 1846 by the project of Colonel Engineer John Upton, a new quay was built as a ceremonial entrance to Sevastopol from the sea. A double colonnade of Doric order forms propylaea, the front door to wharf. Columns bear the entablement, crowned with attic, which reminds of the date of construction. Before the colonnade the broad main staircase climbs down to the sea in four gently sloping flights, decorated with marble lions by the Italian sculptor Ferdinando Pellicio. Count's Quay is built of inkerman stone.

This place was the site of some historic events in the city: Here on November 22, 1853 Vice-Admiral Nakhimov with Russian seamen held triumph for the Sinop victory.

From here on November 27, 1905 Lieutenant Schmidt left for the cruiser "Ochakov" to take command over a rebellious fleet.

Here in 1918 a Ukrainian national flag was first raised over the warships of Black Sea squadron as a sign of its loyalty to the People's Republic of Ukraine.
From here, November 1920, departed last ships carrying people opposed to reds who were forced to flee their homeland after the defeat of the Crimean Army of Lt. Gen. Wrangel.

Here, 12 Nov, 1941 leading the fierce fight with enemy died cruiser "Chervona Ukraina".

On 9th of May 1944 by men of the Black Sea Fleet storm squad a red flag was raised over Count's Quay, as a sign of liberation of Sevastopol from Nazi occupation.

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